Environment | Social | Governance


IDsign has been committed to being carbon neutral by using only proof of stake blockchains. By embracing this blockchain technology, we aim to ensure that our environmental efforts align with sustainability goals, minimizing our carbon footprint and preserving the earth's resources. Through our dedication to proof of stake blockchains, we are moving closer than ever to a future where our products are created without compromising the environment. A wallet lets you store, send and recieve digital assets like cryptocurrencies and NFTs.


At IDsign, our daily efforts revolve around prioritizing people. We empower individuals through accessible technology, actively promote equity and opportunity, foster an inclusive and diverse work environment, and consistently uphold the human rights of everyone affected by our operations.


Transparency and accountability are ingrained in the fabric of IDsign at every level. Our Board and governance structure are designed to foster principled actions, informed decision-making, and rigorous monitoring of compliance and performance.